

【Comic】Sacabambaspis War III【4paes】

This is how our oceanic ancestor, the Sacabambaspis spin evolved.

They came to the ground and became quadrupeds.

They developed their intelligence and became bipedal.

They learned to use both hands and learned to use tools.

They made weapons and hunted prey.

They mastered the use of fire.

They began agriculture and developed a steady supply of food.

Civilization develops!

Our Sacabambaspis species flourished!

Their numbers grew and they dominated the earth.

Yes, we have reached the pinnacle of life on this planet!

Praise be to them! Praise be to our ancestor, Lord Sacabambaspis

All our peace and tranquility was given to us by them, our ancestors.

Let us be grateful to them!

Bite into their joy.

The time of destruction is near!


絶滅動物『サカバンバスピス』の模型の虚無顔が可愛いと評判になり、Twitterでファンアートやファングッズが続々と作られ始める  #Togetter @togetter_jpより 

極楽京都日記: 【#Manga】Antibody Plateau【12pages #English】  

極楽京都日記: 【#manga】This is Witch Time:ARUGAN KINGDOM【#English】  

tag English 

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